“The Quality of your Life Is Determined by the Health of your Cells… You’ll see what I mean”

Now what is a good life? I would suggest a good life is free will; freedom in your body, freedom from pain, freedom from disease and that’s actually the definition of Health – Freedom from disease. But, I think there’s a little bit more to it than that.


So what is a good life? Actually being healthy, having connection and also having enough money to have some freedom.


Maybe money isn’t a big thing on your priority list but it gives you the freedom to do things, with the people you love, anytime you want to do it. That’s the beauty of it, it’s not so much the money or the paper or the digits in the bank it’s actually what freedom it gives us. So I think it’s important, no matter how high it is on your priority list (and it’s higher on some than it is on others).


So in the sense of what a quality life is, it could be; Health, Wealth and Connection.


So how do we improve those? and if we improve one area does it improve all the others exponentially? – I would absolutely suggest that it does.


It’s essential that your health is, because if you don’t have your health you have nothing in my opinion.


It doesn’t matter how much money you have, it doesn’t matter how much people are around you, they’re loving you and you’re loving them; you can’t enjoy it.


The core of that has to be your health.


So how can we essentially improve your health, which will improve every area of your life exponentially?


The next question is, how do we get more health? And I would suggest that energy has a lot to do with this.


If we have more energy then in turn we have more health, because when we’re exuding more energy, when we’re showing energy everyday and we have energy in everything we’re doing then we’re healthy, right?.


When we’re not healthy, we don’t have the energy. We’re feeling lethargic and we just can’t be bothered.


So how do we get more health, in a sense how do we get more energy?


It’s all to do with your cells. The more healthy your cells are the more energy you will have, the better they’ll function, the more energy you can take in & give out.


You improve the health of your cells on a cellular level and that will improve the energy in your daily function all round, and that will improve your vitality and your energy all over your life.


So what are the habits?


You can get some habits around improving the cells; the energy and the health of your cells which will increase your energy, which will improve your health and then that will exponentially improve your connection with others and also your ability to improve your wealth or your income; which will give you freedom and the joy to do things with other people.


Improving your cells is an important element of gaining freedom in your life and gaining what you want in your life.


What’s one of the easiest ways? There’s loads of things we could do, but the simplist way to get to the bottom of It is to increase the cell membrane (the outer wall of your cell).


All of your cells, every single one of them, has fatty acids contained within the cell.


Every one of your cells that make up your bones, you have 206 bones in your body that enable you to move in nearly every direction so, think about that.


If we can improve the cell health, we can improve on how your brain works, we can improve on how your body feels and how it performs and exponentially improve everything about your life.


The simplest one you can do takes less than 10 seconds and costs you £1.20 a day. It’s omega balancing. It’s one of the easiest things we can do in terms of time commitment and in terms of financial commitment.


It would make a massive impact over your life and over other peoples lives, the people you touch, the people you’re with, the people you love.


Tell me this, make a decision right now. Do you want to have more energy? Do you want to feel better when you wake up in the morning than you did yesterday? Do you want to have your brain performing at a higher level?


Because there’s things you can do, habits that you can apply into your life that actually give you access to that way of being.


Taking one of the best Omega supplements currently on the market is one of them.


I could say eating quality oily fish, but I’ll be honest most people don’t have regular access to the quality that’s required and even then don’t prepare enough meals containing fish.


Supplementing this deficit is one of the biggest, easiest steps that you can take.


The fact it’s so easy, simple and one of the biggest is a way to leverage something so tiny into something big and positive way of your life. It’s a no brainer.



To talk to me directly about this click here:



To your best health all ways



Your Mental & Physical Strength Coach











“Energy Energy Energy! (or lethargy?)”

Today I went to a funeral, and it was absolutely so sad. My oldest friend’s mother, but that’s a story for another time, what I want to share today is this…


At the end of the ceremony we went for something to eat and there weren’t many options where we were so I had to choose wisely because I’m very strict about what I eat, particularly at the moment.


So, say you go to a workman’s café for example, or just a café that doesn’t really sell the greatest of food… What should you choose if you want to retain your hard earned well deserved health, vitality & energy levels?


The people I was with (family and friends), they chose certain things and I chose certain things. Now straight after they had eaten what came over them? Tiredness, lethargy and some of them felt that pretty much straight away.


Myself? I was actually boosted up and had energy for hours later… especially when they were dozing off and I was rolling around with my son playing with him and just really wanted to inject some love and fun into my day.


Point being, the story is what you choose to eat is essential and this is linked to the number one thing I’ve learnt this year – Only Allow Quality Fats into Your Body.


For instance, my Mum was saying ‘oh I’ve had grilled bacon and I’ve had eggs’ which is not so bad. But the devil is in the detail. For my eggs I ask for no oil and to put them on the hot plate or poach them.


So my mum had them fried, (most likely in vegetable oil) and she felt tired afterwards, and she said ‘oh but they were eggs that isn’t that bad’ but they were deep fried in, we actually don’t know what oil but I guess it wasn’t virgin olive oil or butter or virgin coconut oil.


So what did I have? What was the good choice?


I made sure that there was no oil added, I did ask them what butter they used so I didn’t get any of that because it was margarine (which is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT to butter). I had bacon on the griddle (maybe not the wisest choice but one of the only better choices) I had eggs on the griddle, grilled tomato’s, a few mushrooms and a salad. And that did me. I was good, my energy was good and it was a good food choice in a damaging situation.


It’s down to your choice. Do you want more energy? Do you want more vitality? It really does matter, one meal can make all the difference and it can dip your energy.


Or do you want to be vital? Do you want to feel full of energy and feel great and just have better conversations and enjoy yourself more?


If I said to you, I’ll give you this fried chicken or I’ll give you this cigarette what would you choose?


You probably think ‘well I’ll eat the fried chicken it’s not going to be that bad’. But actually the studies show that fried chicken will cause more damage for longer periods of time than smoking that cigarette!!. And who wants to smoke a cigarette these days, really? Not a good idea. And the fried chicken is a worse idea!


So think about that. It’s like a bruise. If I kicked you in the shin right now and you bruised, no matter what you did, no matter how good you ate, no matter how early you went to bed, it wouldn’t heal straight away. It would take time for that bruise to go away. That’s exactly the same as what you do when you make a bad food choice.


Keep the bad fats out. Any fats that are deep-fried or de-natured in any way. Keep away from vegetable oils. Look at the food you’re eating, if it has omega 6’s in it, if it has any other fats in it than the top 6 don’t eat it.


It’s that simple. Police that like your life depended on it. Because it does.

First the quality of your life. Then your actual life expectancy.



Would you like Access to More Energy through Lifestyle Exercise Nutrition & Supplementation strategies that are easy to apply & have immediate impact?


To join my private facebook group where we get set up for success send me a message saying ‘Private Group’ & I’ll send you the details. For £1 a month I will MASSIVELY over deliver tools, techniques, discounts on phenomenal health, fitness & wealth products that will boost your Energy. You’ll get private messages within the community from me & other HealthWealth experts.


It’s an investment that will keep paying back for years to come.



Talk soon


Your Mental & Physical Strength Coach Daniel



































“ Do You Want an ENERGY Breakthrough? ”

Think about this…

wow-1426595_1920If you’re around the same age as me, when you were in school, there was a big fear around fossil fuels.

‘They’re going to run out, were not going to be able to fuel our cars, fuel our homes, fuel our cities, the world’s going to come to an end’.

It was real, it was really happening. It was a fact and there was no way of getting away from it.


So right now, the state of your mind, the state of your body, the state of your finances – that seems real as well…

But the same as fossil fuels, in a moment, that can change. No matter how solid, no matter how real, no matter how apparent something appears to be; It can change.


That’s where opportunity for a breakthrough comes in. Because energy is not scarce. We were led to believe that back in the day (or maybe that’s all we knew) but we just had a lack of information.

Fact is that energy is not scarce.


2016 was the first year that our renewable energy sources out-preformed our conventional energy fuels. So we had more energy coming from renewable energy in 2016, think solar power, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal – that’s the first time that has happened in history. So fossil fuels and oil are on their way out!


So change can happen fast, in a moment. When you discover something that can cause a breakthrough for your energy, that’s when you can get the breakthrough for your physique, for your emotions, for your financial state – any area of your life. Because energy is what and where, it’s all about.

“The person that can generate & sustain the highest energy for the longest period of time will win”


If you’d like a breakthrough in your energy levels that can Simply Radically Effectively impact your entire life in a positive way then contact me today & let me know in a short sentence what would be a MASSIVE BREAKTHROUGH for you.

I may make you an offer you cant refuse (or I may not). The only way to find out is have a simple & quick conversation with me – What have you got to gain?


Talk soon




“Your Brain, Pain & Energy”

I was listening to professor Timothy Noakes who has led exercise science for 20+ maybe even 30+ years now and is a big proponent of low carb, high fat diets.

What I’m going to talk about here is the brain. Timothy actually explains that the main limiting factor within your results (using physical activity as the example) is not exhaustion or decrease in energy, but rather the brain being the limiting factor in order to protect the body.


For an insight into where you should LENS your efforts for maximum energy & results complete this 4 minute questionnaire for a personalised coaching report: https://goo.gl/hyUp7t


What they found through testing over 30 years is that you can find two people with exactly the same VO2 Max (that’s usually the limiting factor that will tell you someone’s performance) and you will get one that can run a marathon in 2 hours 20 minutes and the other can run it in 3 hours.


Some people experience these illusions of pain in the muscle or pain in the joint, as blocking you to protect you. So the brain is blocking you from continuing the race.


As long as we know this information we know that we can keep going, and get a better experience from it and even learn more.


He’s wrote several books, one of them is the law of running and another is real meal revolution. He’s run 71 marathons and ultra marathons (ultra marathons are 50 miles!)


The point being in this one is that your brain again is the limiting factor. I keep going back to this because if 80% of your results is psychology, 20% is mechanics and there’s a lot of evidence that points to that being the truth then where should we focus most of our efforts? On the brain.


We can work on our brain, work on our emotions and work on our energy levels but where does our energy come from? I had this conversation earlier, does it come from food, does it come from oxygen does It come from sleep?


I propose something to you that energy comes from movement, the more you move the more energy you get. Have you noticed that when you’re really active and you’re doing things the more energy you’ve got and you can keep going? When you’re more lethargic and you’ve allowed yourself to be a little bit lazy you can’t be bothered to do anything. This is clear that much of something brings more.


Timothy Noakes said that your brain is a limiting factor, but when we know this if it’s fear or if it’s actually pain from exercise, we know that the brain may be bringing up that illusion just to try and protect us and if we can go through that we can actually extend, and get our results that we desire a little bit sooner than we thought rather than being stopped by these illusions.


For an insight into where you should LENS your efforts complete this 4 minute questionnaire for a personalised coaching report: https://goo.gl/hyUp7t

‘6 MUST KNOW’S’ : How to Choose Your Omega Fish Oil Supplement

  1. Does your oil contain Omega 6 ?

baked-1549171_1920You don’t need any more. Your Omega fish oil supplement should not contain any Omega 6.

Om6 is pro-inflammatory (promotes it) & it is highly likely you already have enough of it in your blood.

Main sources of Om6 are :

NOTE: Do not ingest any more Omega 6


2. Should it contain more EPA or DHA ?

Both EPA & DHA are amazingly good for you. Studies in fact show that DHA has even more health benefits than EPA.

Particularly for your brain & eyes.

NOTE: You want a supplement higher in DHA to EPA.


3. Capsules or Liquid?

You want your oil to be in a liquid form. Why? One reason is it will be purer & gone through less handling.

The second reason is that in the heating of the capsules in order to seal them a portion of the DHA is lost to the heat. The more heat process the oil is put through the less fresh it will be.

As mentioned you want as much DHA to remain as possible.

NOTE: Make sure your oil is in liquid form


4. How pure is your oil ?

All oils in the UK must pass stringent tests to be fit for human consumption. The industry standard in Scandinavia (where the best fish comes from) is the TOTOX Value.

Totox stands for total oxidation & assures that the oil is pure & fresh. Basically how many toxins are in the oil & how quickly is it ageing.

Clearly you want the purest oil with as little toxins present as possible & you want it to be fresh.

TIP: The more fishy smelling an oil becomes the less fresh it is.

In the Uk all oils must score 10 or below on the Totox Value. This should be public information but not all companies release this information easily. (I wonder why?)

The lower the score on the Totox the cleaner, purer & fresher the oil.

It is fit for human consumption if you see on the shelves in the Uk but the closer to 10 on the Totox score the less pure it is.

I think of it like this: a drop of arsenic each day wont kill me but it certainly isn’t doing me any good. Combine that with all the other toxins coming in & over the years of accumulation it could become a problem…. The purer the better.

NOTE: Only use the lowest scoring oil from the Totox Test. If a company wont tell you that information DON’T TAKE THEIR OIL.


5. How much should a quality oil cost ?

For a decent oil expect to invest £30-£40 per bottle.

This is one area where a little extra is worth it. You could choose to save a pound or two per month but be wasting your money if its optimal health, vitality & wellness you are in search of.

There are some excellent oils out there for around £1 per day – what is your health & happiness worth to you ?

NOTE: £1 per day could save you many aches, pains & potential risk to diseases especially as you age.


6. How do I know I need it & how much should I take ?

Most people take Omega supplements blind: They don’t know their Omega status & don’t know if the product is doing them more harm than good AND if the product is doing anything at all !

There are some extremely simple ways to test your Omega status these days & combine that with the other facts above you will know exactly how much you need & for how long.

NOTE: Get the simple cost effective test & correct your Omega levels asap. Your health, energy & performance could depend on it.


To conclude…

If you were to prioritise your budget to ‘which supplement will give me the most bang for my buck?’ then TWO jump out & every health care practitioner will tell you the same:

  1. Multi vitamin
  2. Omega supplement


You have a simple decision to make…

If you want to cover ALL the bases mentioned above & have access to the most SUPERIOR oil on the market so ‘ YOU LOOK & FEEL YOUR BEST ‘ get that decision handled right now by CLICKING HERE.


The Way To A Man’s Heart (& A Women’s) Is Through Their Stomach…


The old sayings are the best – & usually accurate!


Prebiotics are the food that your live ‘good’ bacteria feed off.


Feed them well & they increase in numbers & you’ll feel more energised for it.


Don’t feed them (starve them) & you’ll suffer with more digestive & nutritional issues, fat gain, mood disturbances & lower performance levels.



Common prebiotics include:




Naturally occurring polysaccharides (sugars).


Most commonly found in chicory. A natural fibre that links with the processing, journey & storage of carbohydrates through your body.


You can easily take this as a supplement these days.





Fructooligosaccharides (FOS)

A naturally occurring fibre in the same group as Inulin.

Helps feed the Bifidobacteria species. Bifidobacteria are considered beneficial bacteria for healthy gut & colon.

Where can you get it from?:

  • Jerusalem artichoke
  • Chicory root
  • Leeks
  • Onions
  • Garlic





Galactooligosaccharides (GOS)

Non-digestible food ingredients that beneficially affect the host by stimulating the growth and/or activity of beneficial bacteria in the colon.





A non-absorbable sugar used in the treatment of constipation




Good Prebiotic Foods:


Jerusalem artichokes








Dandelion greens.






Bananas (remember to always balance your higher GI carb intake & get the timing of high GI carb intake just right to remain in an optimal physical state)






When you first begin to take on extra prebiotics you may experience some flatulence or gas.

This is your internal environment re-adjusting & is not cause for concern. The disturbance should not last longer than five days.

After which you will notice an improvement in your digestion, energy levels, sleep patterns & your general well-being should improve.



Bottom Line…

Sprinkle these foods into your next shop & add them to your meals for improved digestive health which will result in clearer skin, better concentration, improved sleep, increased performance levels & much more.

You can also supplement these & dietary fibre very easily at an affordable cost.

You can’t go too far wrong with fibre supplementation so ask for the best at your local health store or grab some online. For example Psyllium Husks are a good source of supplemental fibre, take 15 grams (approx 1 large tablespoon) in the morning & in the evening.


Keep up the good work…. To Your Best Health


Daniel Grant

The ShapeTrainer


ps. For the MOST SIMPLE & COST EFFECTIVE way to LOWER INFLAMMATION in your gut which will BOOST your ENERGY & stimulate FAT LOSS check out this genius system … CLICK HERE





The 3 Priority Ways to Drop Fat

  1. Low GI Foods
  2. Resistance Training
  3. Compound Exercises

1) Low Gi Foods

GI stands for Glycemic Index. This tells us whether a food raises blood glucose (sugars) quickly, moderately or slowly.

Different carbohydrates are digested and absorbed at different rates & GI is a ranking of how quickly each carbohydrate-based food and drink makes blood glucose levels rise after eating them.

You want a slow steady release of energy (sugar) from the foods you eat. So choosing low GI is the smarter choice – the energy will be released slower & provide energy for a longer period of time & will in turn cause less of an insulin response.

Insulin is the hormone of fat-storage & ageing. Control that & you control those two factors to a certain extent.

This is how foods are classified:

Low GI Medium GI High GI
0-55 56-69 70 or greater

Choose low to moderate GI foods & you will manage your blood sugar effectively. Portion sizes & timing do play a part but this is the most important element to consider.

I’ll show you how to put this into a meal plan & which foods are low – moderate GI at the end of this article.

2) Resistance Training

If you want to lose Fat-Weight you MUST LIFT WEIGHTS. Here’s why …

The more muscle you have the more calories you will burn. FACT. This is the way to guarantee control of your body-fat over time.

This doesn’t have to complicated. The first few sessions may be uncomfortable as you learn something new but then you will start to feel & Look great.

I coach this to all my clients & highly recommend you learn some simple moves, I’d be happy to help you out so check out my first step solution at the end of this article.

3) Compound Exercises

These are movements that involve more than one muscle group & move two or more joints.

An example of a compound movement is a bench press or a squat.

Isolation movements are single muscle group, single joint movmements, for example a bicep curl or a calf raise.

The more muscle fibres you recruit in an exercise routine the more muscle you will grow & more calories you will burn.

So a single arm bicep curl is not the best choice of exercise if fat loss is your goal. A squat, deadlift, dip, bench press, lat pulldown or a row are smarter choices.

Get the basics handled & then pick up other powerful tips & techniques as you develop. Watch a powerful fat loss solution I have for you at the end of this article.

Check out this short video (3min11) that will create a SURGE in Fat-Loss, Energy & Certainty… – CLICK HERE –


3 Why’s Fish Oil should be your FIRST supplement

1 Why: Helps Combat EVERY disease…

You can google Fish oil and ‘ X ‘ (any disease). You’ll find reams of pages (average 1,750,000) & studies supporting the fact that fish oil helps to reduce the risk to whatever disease you type.

The benefits are FAR REACHING.

So a question you could be having right now is How do I know I need it? The answer is testing. If you don’t know your Omega status it is well worth finding out.

The further you are away from a ratio of 2:1 (Omega6:Omega3) the higher your risk to illness, ailments & disease. (I’ll show you a streamlined way to test & perfect your status in the quickest time possible at the end of this article)


2 Why: Fat Loss..

Again you can do your own research on Google which will pull up just under 5,000,000 pages of data supporting fish oil supplementation & fat loss.

If you want to look & feel your best for something that takes less than 30 seconds a day then fish oil supplementation is a no brainer.

The only question you should have is ‘ Which the best product & how much does it cost? ‘ (I’ll give you a genius option at a highly competetive price the end of this article…)


3 Why: Builds Muscle & Lowers Inflammation…

There is a more recent term coming through called ‘ INLAMMAGEING ‘ linking the rate of ageing with inflammation.

Bottom line is the more we control inflammation, think painful joints, digestive issues, outbreaks of rashes & acne on the skin, the longer we keep our youthful looks & vibrancy.

At the same time we get to build more muscle which is one of the top determinants of longevity. Fact is the more muscle you have the more calories you’ll burn (even at rest) so basically put the more muscle you have the less likely you will get fatter !


Check out this short video (1min34) that rifles through these benefits PLUS introduces ALL the BENEFITS FOR you in a seamless easy-to-apply, easy-to-follow way  – CLICK HERE –




How to make stress work for you

A stress-free life would be very boring; How to make stress work for you!


We rarely hear people say, “I’m really feeling stressed — isn’t that great?” But if we didn’t have some stress in our lives — the ‘good stress’ variety — we’d feel uninspired, unfocused & often times very unhappy.

Many people believe that all stress is bad, but you may have heard that there’s “good stress” & “bad stress.” Do you know what people mean by that?


First let’s take a look at stress in general & how it can affect us. The most common type of stress is acute stress. It is a very normal response from quick surprises, impending life, work or family issues or situations that need a quick response. This is what we normally think of as stress, but we can still feel in control of ourselves while resolving the issue.

Acute stress in itself doesn’t take a heavy toll if we find ways to relax quickly after dealing with the situation.


Once the stressor has been dealt with, we need to return our body to homeostasis, or its pre-stress state, to be healthy & happy.


The type of stress we really have to worry about is chronic stress.

This type of stress comes when we repeatedly face stressors that take a heavy toll & feel inescapable.

A stressful job or an unhappy home life can bring chronic stress. This is what we normally think of when we experience negative stress consequences.  Everyone has felt this at some times or another in their lives…& it’s a very unpleasant state of mind & body to experience


We become tired, irritable, rundown, depleted in energy & motivation. Added to this dismal state of mind & body, we often feel helpless to change the situation or even our outlook.


This chronic stress can seriously harm our physical, emotional & spiritual well-being.  If you find yourself in this type of situation, you really must rethink your priorities & actively seek ways to make the necessary changes to improve the quality of your life.


Now on to the good news…….


So-calledgood stress,” or what psychologists refer to as “eustress,” is the type of stress we feel when we feel excited. Our pulse quickens, our hormones change, but there is no threat or fear.


We feel this type of stress when we ride a roller coaster, compete for a promotion, go on a first date, practice a sport or hobby we are passionate about. There are many triggers for this good stress, & it keeps us feeling alive & excited about life.


  • One important consideration…….    Good stress can become bad for you if you experience too much of it. (Adrenaline junkies know this firsthand.)
  • This is because your stress response is triggered either way, & if you’re adding that to chronic stress, or several other stressors, there is still a cumulative effect: lots of stress!
  • That’s why it’s important to be in tune with yourself & be able to tell when you’ve had too much


The Bottom Line…

Overall, it’s important to have good stress in your life. By making the effort to cut out as much chronic stress as possible, changing your perception of stress where you can, & adding some positive activities that enrich your body, soul & spirit, you can create a nice balance in your life.

To read more be sure to check out the full text here: Health Wealth: Feel Like a Billion Dollars Every Day Of The Week.


To Your Best Health,

ShapeTrainer Daniel Grant


To Receive Quality Info Like This Straight To Your Email: Click Me!

Managing your Life

Feel like your average day is, a ringing iPhone, bills to be paid, kids needing your time & attention & a to-do list that’s impossible to complete?


We’ve all been there! You end up feeling tired, stressed & frustrated. When you’ve had “one of those days” how are you supposed to find the time to exercise or for that matter make healthy food choices when the time keeps slipping away from you.

We hear a lot about living a healthy lifestyle & most of us make a valiant effort to make healthy choices in our lives. But all too often we get sidetracked by other demands in our lives. Even with the challenges of faced-paced living, you can learn to take good care of yourself!

it’s not impossible to seize the day, even if only in bite-size chunks to begin with. Are you living a general lifestyle or are you the general of your life? Don’t let stress get out of control.

  • The first thing I want you to do is simply track a 24hour period.


  • Make this list (a diary is even better)) as complete as possible – include planned work hours & business meetings, social events, time with family or loved ones, exercise time, sleep time etc. I think you get the idea!

You will then be able spot the imbalances in your life & be ready to start making the adjustments that you need to live a happier, healthier, more balanced lifestyle.


In my book, Health Wealth: Feel Like a Billion Dollars Every Day Of The Week. I provide you with a more detailed explanation of how we are going to use this diary to start you on the road to living your optimal life.



The  Bottom Line…

You don’t have to change everything at the same time.

In fact, the trick to healthy living is making small changes – Taking more steps each day, adding to the success of the previous day.

To read more be sure to check out the full text here: Health Wealth: Feel Like a Billion Dollars Every Day Of The Week.


To Your Best Health,

ShapeTrainer Daniel Grant



To Receive Quality Info Like This Straight To Your Email: Click Me!