“Energy Energy Energy! (or lethargy?)”

Today I went to a funeral, and it was absolutely so sad. My oldest friend’s mother, but that’s a story for another time, what I want to share today is this…


At the end of the ceremony we went for something to eat and there weren’t many options where we were so I had to choose wisely because I’m very strict about what I eat, particularly at the moment.


So, say you go to a workman’s café for example, or just a café that doesn’t really sell the greatest of food… What should you choose if you want to retain your hard earned well deserved health, vitality & energy levels?


The people I was with (family and friends), they chose certain things and I chose certain things. Now straight after they had eaten what came over them? Tiredness, lethargy and some of them felt that pretty much straight away.


Myself? I was actually boosted up and had energy for hours later… especially when they were dozing off and I was rolling around with my son playing with him and just really wanted to inject some love and fun into my day.


Point being, the story is what you choose to eat is essential and this is linked to the number one thing I’ve learnt this year – Only Allow Quality Fats into Your Body.


For instance, my Mum was saying ‘oh I’ve had grilled bacon and I’ve had eggs’ which is not so bad. But the devil is in the detail. For my eggs I ask for no oil and to put them on the hot plate or poach them.


So my mum had them fried, (most likely in vegetable oil) and she felt tired afterwards, and she said ‘oh but they were eggs that isn’t that bad’ but they were deep fried in, we actually don’t know what oil but I guess it wasn’t virgin olive oil or butter or virgin coconut oil.


So what did I have? What was the good choice?


I made sure that there was no oil added, I did ask them what butter they used so I didn’t get any of that because it was margarine (which is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT to butter). I had bacon on the griddle (maybe not the wisest choice but one of the only better choices) I had eggs on the griddle, grilled tomato’s, a few mushrooms and a salad. And that did me. I was good, my energy was good and it was a good food choice in a damaging situation.


It’s down to your choice. Do you want more energy? Do you want more vitality? It really does matter, one meal can make all the difference and it can dip your energy.


Or do you want to be vital? Do you want to feel full of energy and feel great and just have better conversations and enjoy yourself more?


If I said to you, I’ll give you this fried chicken or I’ll give you this cigarette what would you choose?


You probably think ‘well I’ll eat the fried chicken it’s not going to be that bad’. But actually the studies show that fried chicken will cause more damage for longer periods of time than smoking that cigarette!!. And who wants to smoke a cigarette these days, really? Not a good idea. And the fried chicken is a worse idea!


So think about that. It’s like a bruise. If I kicked you in the shin right now and you bruised, no matter what you did, no matter how good you ate, no matter how early you went to bed, it wouldn’t heal straight away. It would take time for that bruise to go away. That’s exactly the same as what you do when you make a bad food choice.


Keep the bad fats out. Any fats that are deep-fried or de-natured in any way. Keep away from vegetable oils. Look at the food you’re eating, if it has omega 6’s in it, if it has any other fats in it than the top 6 don’t eat it.


It’s that simple. Police that like your life depended on it. Because it does.

First the quality of your life. Then your actual life expectancy.



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Talk soon


Your Mental & Physical Strength Coach Daniel



































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